A b o u t   U s
Our community was there for us when we needed a hand up, so we want to give back to our community the best way we know how - through delicious food!

We are familiar with many of the obstacles our community faces when it comes to feeding our families. From literal food scarcity and inaccessibility, to a lack of time and decision fatigue when it comes to deciding what to eat for dinner. AGAIN.

Chef Renni derives great joy and purpose from feeding the people that they love. Their goal with this venture is to lessen some of these obstacles by being strategic and resourceful when it comes to food waste and ingredients, while remaining cost effective and equitable with our payment options. We offer restaurant quality meals that are wholesome and nutritious and inspired by a wide variety of cuisines. We believe that in community there is more than enough to go around, and we can ensure that together we are all fed.

Community Over Profit

We have set up a 3-tier pricing scale to offer flexibility to families in need while allowing those in our community with the means to do so to provide additional assistance to cover costs.

Tier 1 - Base
This tier is for families struggling with food security. We will still prepare and deliver the food just the same! Please do not hesitate to utilize this option if you are in need!

Tier 2 - Community Contributor
This tier is for families that can afford a little extra to help us cover costs beyond ingredients.

Tier 3 - Community Supporter

This tier is for families who can afford to help us cover costs beyond ingredients and allow us to serve others in the community in need of support.

Free meals are available for those in need of community support, please reach out to us at chefrenni@togetherfed.com and we will make arrangements to make sure your family is fed!

At Together Fed we believe that community is at the heart of everything. We believe that no one should go hungry just because they can't afford food.


All funds are considered donations to our community cause of feeding families here at Together Fed. Food preparation is our way of giving back to our community, we both need and deeply appreciate the financial support to continue to provide delicious meals!